1. Name: Hammaspeikko
2. Class, Race and Level: Shaman, Troll, 80lvl
3. Professions if any: Herbalism and Alchemy 450
4. Age and Gender: 17 male
5. Armory Link:
6. Previous Raid Experience: Naxx10 cleared, Ulduar25 FL, Ulduar10 some bosses, VoA10, VoA25, OS10 & OS25, Naxx25 cleared
7. How long have you played? 3-4 years
8. What do you offer for the guild? Good healing
9. What do you expect from the guild? raids & instances
10. Names of current guild members you know if any: Zalrock, Hounskull
11. Preferred role: Healer
12. Tell us a bit of yourself irl: -
2. Class, Race and Level: Shaman, Troll, 80lvl
3. Professions if any: Herbalism and Alchemy 450
4. Age and Gender: 17 male
5. Armory Link:
6. Previous Raid Experience: Naxx10 cleared, Ulduar25 FL, Ulduar10 some bosses, VoA10, VoA25, OS10 & OS25, Naxx25 cleared
7. How long have you played? 3-4 years
8. What do you offer for the guild? Good healing
9. What do you expect from the guild? raids & instances
10. Names of current guild members you know if any: Zalrock, Hounskull
11. Preferred role: Healer
12. Tell us a bit of yourself irl: -