1. Name : Vaiser
2. Class Rogue , Race Orc and Level 80
3. Professions if any : LW 450/ Skinning 450
4. Age and Gender : 30 / Male
5. Armory Link :
6. Previous Raid Experience :
Nax 10/25 (cleared) , Uld 10/25 (not cleared) , Totc 10/25 (cleared),ICC 10 (cleared first wing) ,all other hc, VOA,Ony..etc
7. How long have you played? Since 2004 (old school ) , from Vanilla WOW till WOTLK both PVE/PVP
8. Tell us a bit of yourself irl
Friendly, silent type but I like to help others and have fun and do crazy stuff. still, I like to act in a mature way in serious circumstances.
9. Previous guilds and reason for leaving?
Guild : Testaments at Emerald Dream server, Alliance side
As for the reason : many changes happened to the guild that was friendly ,social and semi hardcore guild, a lot of good members left due to personal and rl issues cuz all were old players (+28 years) now only members left are young and immature players who fight over loot in every raid! The guild is not what is used to be so I felt changing to horde and looking for a new guild is better than leaving the game for good or playing Aion
10. Why do you want to join Ragnarök?
I want a social and casual guild who also do raids..similar to my old guild and so far Ragnarök seems the one (hopefully)
11. What do you offer for the guild?
I'm a hardworker and like to help the guild in anyway I can
12. What do you expect from the guild?
to be full of mature friendly and funny people
13. What are you not looking for in Ragnarök?
Dramas especially loot one :S
14. Names of current guild members you know if any (NA)
15. Preferred role (DPS)
16. Sometimes we have to leave people out from a raid, would this be a problem to you if you were a backup? not at all
17. Sometimes we may be short on either tanks, healers or dps, would it be a problem if we asked you to respec?
Rogues only dps but if you want me to respec anyways I don't mind
18. The raidleader will sometimes make decisions you do not agree with, will this be an issue?
nop , He/she leads ,I follow
1. Name : Vaiser
2. Class Rogue , Race Orc and Level 80
3. Professions if any : LW 450/ Skinning 450
4. Age and Gender : 30 / Male
5. Armory Link :
6. Previous Raid Experience :
Nax 10/25 (cleared) , Uld 10/25 (not cleared) , Totc 10/25 (cleared),ICC 10 (cleared first wing) ,all other hc, VOA,Ony..etc
7. How long have you played? Since 2004 (old school ) , from Vanilla WOW till WOTLK both PVE/PVP
8. Tell us a bit of yourself irl
Friendly, silent type but I like to help others and have fun and do crazy stuff. still, I like to act in a mature way in serious circumstances.
9. Previous guilds and reason for leaving?
Guild : Testaments at Emerald Dream server, Alliance side
As for the reason : many changes happened to the guild that was friendly ,social and semi hardcore guild, a lot of good members left due to personal and rl issues cuz all were old players (+28 years) now only members left are young and immature players who fight over loot in every raid! The guild is not what is used to be so I felt changing to horde and looking for a new guild is better than leaving the game for good or playing Aion
10. Why do you want to join Ragnarök?
I want a social and casual guild who also do raids..similar to my old guild and so far Ragnarök seems the one (hopefully)
11. What do you offer for the guild?
I'm a hardworker and like to help the guild in anyway I can
12. What do you expect from the guild?
to be full of mature friendly and funny people
13. What are you not looking for in Ragnarök?
Dramas especially loot one :S
14. Names of current guild members you know if any (NA)
15. Preferred role (DPS)
16. Sometimes we have to leave people out from a raid, would this be a problem to you if you were a backup? not at all
17. Sometimes we may be short on either tanks, healers or dps, would it be a problem if we asked you to respec?
Rogues only dps but if you want me to respec anyways I don't mind
18. The raidleader will sometimes make decisions you do not agree with, will this be an issue?
nop , He/she leads ,I follow